Lethbridge College - Trades Technologies Renewal and Innovation Project (TTRIP)
Academic: Post-Secondary - Lethbridge, AB, Canada
Lethbridge College - Trades Technologies Renewal and Innovation Project (TTRIP)
Academic: Post-Secondary - Lethbridge, AB, Canada
Lethbridge College - Trades Technologies Renewal and Innovation Project (TTRIP)
Academic: Post-Secondary - Lethbridge, AB, Canada
Lethbridge College - Trades Technologies Renewal and Innovation Project (TTRIP)
Academic: Post-Secondary - Lethbridge, AB, Canada
Ryan HK
Lethbridge College - Trades Technologies Renewal and Innovation Project (TTRIP)
Lethbridge, AB, Canada
Lethbridge College
Electrical Engineering Consulting Services
Awaiting Certification
TTRIP is intended to expand the capacity of the Trades and Technologies Complex while simultaneously improving their ability to offer leading-edge education and facilitate integration of the programs offered at Lethbridge College with industry standards. The project included a 150KW, 480V, diesel-fueled generator located in an outdoor weatherproof enclosure.